I have created a task in task pan and tried to test it on one of the machines on the test network.
In the relevance tab I checked if the specified key is found. By the way, I tested the relevance on that specified target computer.
Then, I created an action script using the wizard and created a default action from the new task. I have been waiting for a day now and it does not show the target computer. I tried to give it time but it is too much. Is there any problem in my scripts? Pleas help.
Thanks. Almaz
Here is the Relevance:
(name of operating system = “WinXP” OR name of operating system = “WinXP-2003”) AND (exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Mykey{62DDEB79-15B2-41E3-8834-D333393887A}” whose (value “Mykey” of it = “0x00000100”) of it) of registry
Can you try this relevance on a machine where it should be true:
exists (key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Mykey{62DDEB79-15B2-41E3-8834-D333393887A}\Mykey” whose (value of it = “0x00000100”) of registry)
I put the new relevance you gave me and started the action again. The result is the same. It is just sitting there. It says that there were no computers that meet the criteria. But when I test it in the target compute using fixlet debugger, result is False. I chose the criteria to be false in the relevance tab and it should work. Please help.
Thank you for your help. It looked like it ran OK, the report showed all the steps were completed. However, when I checked the registry, it was not there. It is frustrating. Please help.
It works now! The value of the registry was not correct and that is why it did not update the registry. Otherwise, the action and the relevance message were correct.
Thank you very much all for your help. It feels great that you can get help when you are stuck.
When I tested the action on one computer, it worked – the registry was entered correctly. Then, I tested the action on three computers. One computer did not have the registry entry. The other two computers already had the registry entries.
I wrote the relevance as follows:
( not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility{62DDEB79-15B2-41E3-8834-D3B80493887A}” whose (Value “Compatibility Flags” of it = hexadecimal integer (“00000400”) ) of it) of registry
And, I chose “The applicability relevance evaluates to false“ for Success Criteria.
I was expecting to get non-relevant for the status of the computers with existing registry entry. However, when the action was complete (100% complete) I could only see in Bigfix the computer that did not have the registry entry and the status was “Fixed”. The other computers did not show up at all.
The agent is smart enough to not run the action unless it is relevant… So if the registry key already existed on 2 of the computers, then the relevance would be False and thus the agent won’t bother running the action.
So it sounds like it is working as expected.
If you really want to verify it, you can type in the names of the computers in the “target by list” and they will return “not relevant”, which just means that they don’t think they should run it.