(imported topic written by MBARTOSH)
I have a package that installs Trigger External Graphics Drivers. The install works fine as long as I am logged on as administrator, but if I am not logged on the task never completes. It stays in a running state, even though the program appears to be installed. There appears to be something at the end of the install that wants to interact with the desktop with administrative priviledges.
I am using IEM 9.1 and the pacakge is built from the Software Distribution Dashboard. I changed the default generated code to use ‘wait’ and ‘run’ in hopes that the task would interact with the desktop.
// If your package absolutely must interact with the user, replace ‘override wait’ with ‘override run’ and ‘wait’ with ‘run’.
if{name of operating system as lowercase starts with “win”}
override run
run run.bat
override run
run run.bat
This is not working. I am still getting the same behavior.
I am thinking about trying the following.
waithidden “{parameter “baseFolder”}PsExec.exe” -s -accepteula -i {if (major version of operating system < 6) then 0 else session id of logged on user} -w “{parameter “installdir”}” cmd.exe /c run.bat
This is a very weak area for Bigfix. I sure wish something would be done to provide out-of-box tools to run in task in different modes.