Targetting User group in ADS

(imported topic written by vgbond91)

i am trying to deploy software on a particular user group in ADS, but when taking action , i expand AD object i am not able to see anything below OU,

is there a way to target a particular user group for a action

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi vgbond,

The active directory path contains only OU information but if you want to use Active Directory computer groups, take a look at Lee Wei’s suggestion in this thread:


(imported comment written by vgbond91)

Thanks for the reply Ben

i wanted to know, can i write a relevance script in Retrived properties to know , whether a particular computer is a part of paritcular group, can you guide me no this

(imported comment written by vgbond91)

In other words , can we retrieve the computer group from the ADS , to which the particular computer belongs ??

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi vgbond,

Yes. The way to do it is to look at the forum post that I sent above and import the Fixlets that Lee Wei provided in the zip file. These will record AD membership that can be retrieved in a property.

Let me know if that works for you,


(imported comment written by yosia91)

Hello Ben,

i have tried this fixlets you created, and it seems to create the memberof.txt file under my documents,

altough, the property ot retrieving this data isn’t working.

I have looked under the bes client log, and its working successfully, also the registry values were entered right.

There is any other place i can look in order to debug it?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

What is your property relevance and what is it returning?


(imported comment written by yosia91)


The property relevance i took from Active Directory Membership.bes (which posted by you)

if exist (name whose (it = “Win2000” or it = “WinXP” or it = “Win2003”) of Operating System) and (exist current user) and exist file (Value “Personal” of Key (“HKEY_USERS” & (name of key whose (value “Logon User Name” of key “Explorer” of key “CurrentVersion” of key “Windows” of key “Microsoft” of key “Software” of it as string as lowercase = name of current user as lowercase) of key “HKEY_USERS” of registry) & “\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders”) of registry as string & “\memberof.txt”)then (following texts of firsts " " of lines whose (it as string starts with " ") of file (Value “Personal” of Key (“HKEY_USERS” & (name of key whose (value “Logon User Name” of key “Explorer” of key “CurrentVersion” of key “Windows” of key “Microsoft” of key “Software” of it as string as lowercase = name of current user as lowercase) of key “HKEY_USERS” of registry) & “\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders”) of registry as string & “\memberof.txt”)) else “”

like i mentioned before, i did see memberof.txt created under “My documents” but somehow the server didnt got the data.

Thanks A lot,
