(imported topic written by chenq691)
I have a bash script which will write “true” or “false” to a temp file. I want the fixlet to run the bash script and evaluate the temp file. If the temp file has the word “false”, the fixlet should report failure.
When I run this fixlet, it stays in “not reported” mode. The fixlet does not execute the bash script.
If I remove “Success Criteria”, the fixlet will run the bash script but report “Failed”.
Please help me fix this. Thanks.
Action Script
Script Type sh
echo “” > /tmp/temp.txt
echo “TRUE” >> /tmp/temp.txt
echo “FALSE” >> /tmp/temp.txt
Success Criteria
This action will be considered successful when the following relevance evaluates to false:
line whose (it contains “FALSE”) of file “/tmp/temp.txt”