Starting to setup Server Automation and have question about DSA

We use DSA in our environment.

Should I install the Server Automation components on both servers? Or just the Primary/Main/Original server?

Hi Tim,

You can install on both, but you’ll need to ensure that only one instance is active at any given time.
Otherwise what you’ll see is that multiple actions will be created for each step in the plan (both plan engine instances will pick up and process the same plan).

To disable it on the DSA server:

  1. Immediately after installing it there go to <BES Root Dir>\Applications\Config and rename the PlanEngine.xml file there to PlanEngine.xml.stop.
  2. To make sure it’s stopped, take a look in <BES Root Dir>\Applications\Logs\pe_console.log and ensure no new messages are being posted there

In the event of a primary root server failure, just rename the XML file back to PlanEngine.xml on the DSA server but remember to disable the plan engine instance on the primary server as well (by adding the .stop extension to the XML file on there.


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Worked like a charm!

Thank you @Paul_Curran!!

My pleasure Tim :wink: