Stalled Action Command - Trying to execute a .bat file

Hi all, I’m trying to create a fixlet to execute a .msi file on a server. I think I have it configured, but the BigFix action just sits in Running status without ever finishing. Here’s what the action script looks like:

prefetch asr.bat sha1:4992660fd1c9c48e4f8ca0846da24f9a12281026 size:332 sha256:a2cf2513aae80e38dcb536eb2ae3a41cee516e68b380398b1e0682f871b372ca
wait __Download\asr.bat

Inside the .bat is a msiexec.exe command line that pulls the .msi from a share and also contains a few install options. Any help would be appreciated.

This post might help you.Network share


I’d check to see if it’s a per user install. You may have to use the override command to get around it if it is.
There may be switches you could use as well e.g. /ALLUSERS

I anticipate two problems, but it’s not really possible to troubleshoot based on this short information.

The BESClient runs as LocalSystem, not your user account, and it probably cannot access the network share containing your MSI package.

Additionally to that, your batch file will need to send all of the msiexec command-line arguments to run the MSI package silently. The parameters required can vary based on the application, but most can use some form of

Msiexec.exe /i package.msi /qn /noreboot

As @JasonWalker stated, you will not be able to pull from a share without some modification.

I bet it is hanging up waiting for creds to connect to the share

so i tried another way. here’s what the action script looks like now:

folder create "C:\temp\TenableInstall"
dos copy \\netlogon\xxx.bat c:\temp\TenableInstall
dos copy \\netlogon\tenable.msi c:\temp\TenableInstall
dos cd c:\temp\TenableInstall
run “c:\temp\TenableInstall\xxx.bat”

works except for the last line. i need to run the .bat file with elevated privileges. i tried a couple ways with limited knowledge of BigFix action scripts, but no joy. any ideas on how to run the .bat file with elevated privileges?

By default everything we ‘run’ or ‘wait’ executes as LocalSystem, with elevated privileges.

What may be an issue though is that we run a 32-bit version of cmd.exe by default. You could try adding

action uses wow64 redirection false

to the actionscript, on any line before the ‘run’ command.

Also, each ‘dos’ and ‘run’ command is a separate shell. So the dos cd c:\temp\TenableInstall command will have no effect, since that shell is closed before the next one runs. If the working directory matters to your script, you have to both change directory & run the the script in one command.

It may also be useful to capture error messages for troubleshooting. What I’d suggest trying is to put all the commands together in one batch.

folder create "C:\temp\TenableInstall"
// use 'createfile' to generate a set of batch commands
delete __createfile
createfile until END_OF_FILE_MARKER
copy \\\netlogon\xxx.bat c:\temp\TenableInstall
copy \\\netlogon\tenable.msi c:\temp\TenableInstall
cd c:\temp\TenableInstall

// move the new __createfile to a batch file
delete installer.cmd
move __createfile installer.cmd

//disable 32-bit redirection for this action
action uses wow64 redirection false

// execute the generated batch file, saving output and error messages to a log file
wait cmd.exe /c installer.cmd > c:\temp\TenableInstall\output.log 2>&1

In most cases a computer account would not be able to access a network share to download your TenableInstall\xxx.bat file, but in this case it looks like you’re using the Netlogon share from a domain. That’s a special case and should work as long as this client is a domain member.