Sqlite inspector: read-only databases?

Oops, sorry for the late reply, I had issues with my account (and my posts being flagged as spam) and have been able to log back just a yesterday.

From my experience, it does not matter how early you do that:
false & [long relevance here]
does not perform any faster than
[long relevance] & false
due to the client evaluating all of the relevance clauses.

This is especially true for superseded fixlets: one of the first relevances is false (since they’re not useful anymore) yet they are taking very long evaluation times on our clients (a shame)

This is incorrect, order of relevance DOES matter.


false AND [long relevance]


true OR [long relevance]
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You’re right: I re-did my tests and truly,
false & [long relevance]
is indeed faster than
[long relevance]

Now I’m wondering… my findings were (I think) true some time ago, when we were running Bigfix 8.2… now we are on 9.2 and I can confirm the above…
someone still on 8.x can make a similar test?


You could probably do the test in the 8.2 Fixlet Debugger and see.

I started using BigFix around version 8.1 I believe, and I was always under the impression that this was true.

I have posts about (session) relevance optimization here: