Some clients not reporting in console

I’m running a deployment of roughly 300 endpoints. Occasionally, we have issues were roughly 30 or so endpoints don’t show as reported in the Console for a couple days. We typically have to reboot the server for the computers to ‘update’ in the console.

However, the confusing thing is that if I check the logs on the client machine, I see successful communication with the server (Report posted successfully messages, successful synchronization with actionsite and mailboxsite sites) during the times they’re ‘not reporting’ in the console.

Any ideas on why this might be happening or would the best thing be to contact support?

If the clients are sending reports, the issue is probably related to FillDB. You can enable debug logging for FillDB to see what’s going on:!/wiki/90553c0b-42eb-4df0-9556-d3c2e0ac4c52/page/5feeaabf-97df-4bb9-82b5-828065a46e55/versions

Debug logging on the root server can be helpful as well.

You can also enable Relay Diagnostics on the server, to check the status of FillDB file size/counter.