Software Distribution Wizard Questions

I know there is a software distribution included in the BigFix for patch management production but it seems like a scaled down version. Can anyone point me in the correct direction where we could push software, reg hacks, software updates etc…?

Thanks for your help

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The functions you are referring to are actually part of the Lifecycle product (, which, for instance, includes a much more robust Software Distribution interface and workflow (including end-user Self-Service features).

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Thanks Aram. I do not think they would go for purchasing that piece of BigFix just for this option. :frowning:

You could certainly build your own custom tasks/fixlets to do this. But you should talk to your seller about getting a demo of Software Distribution, if you are going to do this on a regular basis I think you’d find the wizards, library management, and self-service apps make it worth the price.

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I need to deploy office 2016 ISO through software distribution wizard…
How do I give the command line interface. Please help