Hi All
i want to install tad4d in some servers can you please help me how to install from software distribution.please give me step by step.
Hi All
i want to install tad4d in some servers can you please help me how to install from software distribution.please give me step by step.
This forum is aimed at Bigfix and it’s related components - Tad4D is a separate piece software. It’s functionality however has been carried over into BigFix Inventory (and ILMT) so this may be what your looking for?
Tad4D is nearing end of support too.
This is the forum for TAD4D if you need help: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/forums/html/forum?id=11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000002651&ps=25
s requirement is they want tad4d in servers, from bigfix can we intstall tad4d in servers?if yes, can you tell give me the steps?
BigFix can install anything that can be installed on the command line.
Where is the documentation for installing Tad4D on the command line?
If you can provide how to do it on the command line, then it should be able to be wrapped up into a BigFix task.
Also, I believe that TAD4D is being replaced with ILMT / Inventory.
thanks for your suggestion my sme done the same what you told by using windows s/w distribution he created fixlet. it was succesfully tested using command line.