Simple SOAP setup to complexity about QRadar and BigFix

I am not sure if any of you faced this issue before but i went through a huge learning curve to realize that the problem was in fact very very small.
If any of you played with Qradar’s BigFix integration, the first thing you will realize is that it leverages SOAP API to connect to webreports.

Next, if you are security focused, you will not use your existing username and password. Rather you will leverage a password generator to create a segregated account for the integration.

This is what kept me up for 3 hours :smile: Certain special characters used in a pass generator will be allowed within webportal BUT will not work via the SOAP API; Not sure why though - 1st question

Thus, i downgraded the character sets chosen for my password and the integration worked like a charm.

Now comes the 2nd confusion - I did see all the activity data from BigFix but failed to see Asset related information. Meaning, it didnt seem to pull all the asset info, OS info, Services, Patch, etc. Am i doing something wrong here?

Side Note: if you want to test SOAP quickly, use the BFExtractCSV.exe:!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/TEM%20SOAP%20API