Simple copy... Missing source or destination?

(imported topic written by Brandon91)

Just trying to copy some files out after they download… probably another easy fix.

Command failed (Copy failed) copy __Download"\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151" “C:\Citrix” (fixlet 88429)

Command failed (Missing source or destination) copy __Download"\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151" “C:\Citrix” (fixlet 88429)

Ive tried several variations of that, none of which seem to work. This is only the most recent.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Brandon,

Is this a folder?

Try this:

copy “__Download\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151*.*” “C:\Citrix”

Or possibly:

dos copy “__Download\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151*.*” “C:\Citrix”


(imported comment written by Brandon91)

I tried copy “__Download\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151*.*” “C:\Citrix” that didnt seem to work… Same error message.

Does the dos copy just run it as a dos command instead of using the bigfix copy function?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Brandon,

Yes. See if you can get the dos copy to work…

And the folder C:\citrix exists when you run this command, correct?


(imported comment written by taltrade91)

Hello, what does the 5 in this message mean?

“Command failed (Copy failed (5)) copy …”

Does the 5 indicate a permissions issue?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

You should check to make sure:

  • The destination folder exists.
  • The destination file does not exist.
