I am trying to create a WebReport that will show all the computers that were patched and also rebooted in the last month. I reiterate, not patched or rebooted please.
This is what I have started with, but it lists several thousand lines of output. I would just like to know when all computers were rebooted because of a fixlet being applied, not show the status of every patch applied on every computer.
Computer Name
Fixed Time
(trs of
td of name of computer of it &
td of (last became nonrelevant of it as string)
) )
of results whose (exists last became nonrelevant of it AND last became nonrelevant of it > ("8 Jul 2008 00:48:11 -0800" as time - 1*day) AND last became nonrelevant of it < ("11 Aug 2008 00:48:11 -0800" as time))
of bes fixlets
Well… this is a bit tough because you would need to check all the Fixlets to see if any patches were deployed and then check to see if the system was restarted… but perhaps you can take a shortcut by looking at Fixlet “Restart Needed - Triggered by a BES Action” and that will only have been relevant if there was a Fixlet that triggered the need for the restart…
Try this:
Computer Name
Fixed Time
(trs of
td of name of computer of it &
td of (last became nonrelevant of it as string)
) )
of results whose (exists last became nonrelevant of it AND last became nonrelevant of it > (now - 30 *day) AND last became nonrelevant of it < (now))
of bes fixlets whose (name of it = "Restart Needed - Triggered by a BES Action")