Session relevance to get mime fields of all bes fxlets

Here’s the session relevance we’re using to pull content for list inside a wizard, where the fixlets have a name starting with “API Test”:

(mime fields "x-content-status"of it, id of it, name of it, name of issuer of it, type of it, "Update" of it, "Delete" of it) of bes fixlets whose (name of site of it starts = "API Test")

Only problem is, it’s only displaying content with a mime field, and content without the field isn’t being included.

Any hints on how to include all content in the site regardless of mime field existence?


I’d try switching to the singular “mime field” which would give an error for the missing field, and then trap the error with the pipe operator. Give this a try -

(mime field "x-content-status"of it | "no x-content-status", id of it, name of it, name of issuer of it, type of it, "Update" of it, "Delete" of it) of bes fixlets whose (name of site of it starts = "API Test")

I’m not sure I understand what "Update" of it or "Delete" of it are supposed to mean though.

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