Session Relevance statement Question

I’m trying to create a Web Report that will only generate and email itself when a condition is met.
I have an analysis that returns True/False for a property. I want the report to trigger when there exists a system that has a “True” result for the property.

So far what I have is …

exists bes properties whose (name of it = “MyProperty” AND value of result of it as String = “True”)

But I’m not getting any values back. I’m testing it with the Session Relevance Tester.
If I use the following query, I can get data back from the statement …

(values of results of it) of bes properties whose (name of it = “MyProperty”)

But, I’m trying to use this in the “Create Scheduled Activity” portion of the Web Reports scheduler under the Match Relevance field, so I need it to return True if at least one Endpoint has a True result for the MyProperty property.

I realize I need to actually compare the “IDs of it” rather than the “Name”, but for simple testing I’m using the Name since it’s the only Property with that Name in the system. If I can get it to return True if there are any “True” Results, I can change it at that point. Currently all I get back is a “False” result for the first example above, and I know there is at least one Endpoint returning “True”.

Can anyone offer an alternative Session Relevance statement that will return TRUE if at least one Endpoint have the Property MyProperty with a True result?

Action Relevance I understand. Session Relevance, not so much … YET ! :smile:

How about something like:

exists values whose (it as string = “True”) of results of bes property “MyProperty”

Perfect! Thank You! :slight_smile:

@Aram 's answer is what I would recommend, but this should be a working version based upon your original relevance:

exists bes properties whose (name of it = “MyProperty” AND exists values whose(it as string = “True”) of results of it)