(imported topic written by sinucus)
I’m working with the following code and I can’t figure out how to get the information I’m looking for.
unique values of matches (regex "\b
{40}\b") of (scripts of actions of fixlets of bes custom sites whose (display name of it = “custom”))
I also want to get the ID of the fixlet that is returned with the results.
Also, as a side note to this question, I’ll pose this as the reason why I have this session relevance. I’m trying to consolidate my sha1 repository with all the fixlets within my sites. I.E. I have a fixlet and I want to ensure that I already have the patch pre-cached.
I’ve used the Pre-cache wizard in the BES Support site, but there appears to be a bug with it, I had some fixlets which I had downloaded from the Enterprise Support site, which could not be picked up by the pre-cache wizard. The action script looked like the following. It appears that if the sha value was contained after the “first” “continue if” line, it would fail.
// Is Windows Update service running?
continue if {exists running service “wuauserv” OR NOT exists service “wuauserv” whose (start type of it = “disabled”)}
continue if {(size of it = 972323 AND sha1 of it = “03bdf9e393292e660d875bed68be6de392ad6507”) of file “Windows6.1-KB2536275-x64.msu” of folder “__Download”}
waithidden “{pathname of system folder & “\wusa.exe”}” “{pathname of client folder of current site & “__Download\Windows6.1-KB2536275-x64.msu”}” /quiet /norestart
action requires restart “03bdf9e393292e660d875bed68be6de392ad6507”
So, I use this custom session relevance to scan all fixlets looking for sha values, then compare the results to my sha1 folder and look for differences.
I then need to locate the individual fixlet that has that sha value and manually find the download link so that I can cache.