(imported topic written by LouAlbano91)
Can someone please give me a clue?
I am trying to pull several properties using the SOAP interface for a particular machine.
This is an abbreviated version of the relevance I am using to pull info based on hostname:
(values of it as string) of (results (bes properties (“IP Address”), it)) of bes computers whose (name of it as string = “robust”)
The real query pulls more properties than that, I made that one simple to make life easier.
My problem comes in when I try this:
(values of it as string) of (results (bes properties (“Computer Name”), it)) of bes computers whose (ip address of it as string = “”)
If a machine only has one IP, that works fine, but if it has two or more IPs it doesn’t match. I also tried:
(values of it as string) of (results (bes properties (“Computer Name”), it)) of bes computers whose (ip address of it as string contains “”)
And various permutations thereof.
When I pull IP address info based on hostname, the session relevance tester says it returned two objects. I think the problem is that when a computer has two IPs, the multiple objects break my matching.
Anyone have an any ideas?