Session relevance for fixlet results

(imported topic written by Anthony91)


How do i actually write the relevance for to get a particular fixlet results.

I tried using the help option in the session relevance editor but it did not give me a very clear example.

i actually tried this but it did not work

result of (names of bes fixlets whose(name of it as lowercase contains “bes” and name of it as lowercase contains “license” and name of it as lowercase contains “restricted” and name of it as lowercase contains “>= 7.0” and name of it as lowercase does not contain “due”))

Can someone assist me on this with some examples? thanks alot

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Hi Anthony,

What properties are you interested in for the Fixlet results?

There are different ways to create Fixlet results, and here is an example form. Since the results are from BES Computers, you need to specify the computers somehow.

results from <bes computer> of <bes fixlets>

Once you have the results, these are the properties available:

computer of : bes computer

first became relevant of : time

fixlet of : bes fixlet

last became nonrelevant of : time

last became relevant of : time

relevant flag of : boolean

Here is an example statement:

( name of fixlet of it, name of computers of it, relevant flag of it ) of results from (bes computers) of (bes fixlets whose ( name of it as lowercase contains 
"bes" and name of it as lowercase contains 
"license" and name of it as lowercase contains 
"restricted" and name of it as lowercase contains 
">= 7.0" and name of it as lowercase does not contain 
"due") )

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Anthony91)

Hi Lee Wei,

Thanks for the response.

I am actually looking for the number of computers relevant to a fixlet and making of the matching session relevance in the web report to only notify the respective personel only when there are numbers of machines relevant to the fixlet.

another question,

results from of

is actually the computer name?

is the name of the fixlet?

Sorry i am still quite new to session relevance

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

If you want just the number of computers relevant to a Fixlet, the property is “applicable computer count” in the BES Fixlet inspector/object.

(name of it, applicable computer count of it) of (bes fixlets whose ( name of it as lowercase contains 
"bes" and name of it as lowercase contains 
"license" and name of it as lowercase contains 
"restricted" and name of it as lowercase contains 
">= 7.0" and name of it as lowercase does not contain 
"due") )

is an expression that will return one or more BES Computer objects.

You can find the inspectors and their properties online here:

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Anthony91)

Thank Lee Wei! :slight_smile: