Session relevance for bes results

I’m trying to get the names of bes properties whose results contain a specific string. I’ve found
(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of values whose (it as lowercase = “not reported”) of results of bes properties

which shows the number of results but I’m struggling to get the associated property names.

Sounds expensive to search all properties for all results that contain a given string. This might not scale well.

That said, try:

(name of it, number of results whose (value of it as lowercase = "not reported") of it) of bes properties

And to “play ahead” to what I think you will ask next:

(name of it, names of computers of results whose (value of it as lowercase = "not reported") of it) of bes properties
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Thanks very much, “play ahead” definetly made my day :sunglasses:.

Of course I will check these values only on specific sites, not on every property.

Even after some time working with BigFix (unfortunately only small part of my job) I find it tricky to get a good point of start.

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