
(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)


I’m trying to work out a relevance clause for the following.

We have had a staff member leave and need to change the domain admin password. Changing the password is pretty straight forward, but there may be some services on our servers that are running under these credentials - and so we need to know in advance these services, so we can change them at the same time.

So really all we need is a listing of running services on a computer that - “(domain)\administrator” (domain being specific to our domain)

I figure that we need some clause that refers to “running services”. I’ve tried alot of variations on this, such as “(display name of it & " - " & login account of it) running services”, but so far haven’t found anything that works.

Would this work?

exists running service whose (login account of it = “domain\administrator”)

(where domain is our domain name)

This would give us a true/false.

Is there anyway to produce some result that tells us which service would meet this criteria?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Mark,

You are very close… you forgot the “of” in your first statement… and you can use “services” instead of “running services” if you want…

This is probably what you are looking for:

display names of services whose (login account of it as lowercase = “domain\username”)


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hey Ben,

Thanks again for you assistance with this.

One last clause I am trying to work out - and its causing me some confusion.

I’m after all the domain accounts on a computer with local administrator access - ie domain admin accounts that have been added to the local administrators group on a nominated PC/server.

I’ve tried

(name of it & " - " & admin privilege of it as string) of local users

I think this gives me what I want - but how do I “filter” out all the false statements and just leave the true ones?

Any suggestions on this one?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Marjk,

The “whose” statement is what you want to use whenever you are thinking “filter” (it is like the “where” clause in SQL)…

(name of it & " - " & admin privilege of it as string) of local users whose (admin privilege of it = true)


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thanks again Ben,

You’re a star…
