Self Service App - Manually Adding Icon MetaData

The documentation located here is not clear on where within the BES file the four lines should be entered. I must be putting it in the correct spot because I’m getting the version and size displayed in the SSA GUI on the endpoint. However, my icon is not showing. The Base64 decodes correctly using UTF-8 in a converter; I’m just not seeing it on the endpoint. Any ideas?


Make sure the base64 data looks like this if not then the icon won’t show. There should be no spaces in the value for the icon and we use 64x64 icons but I think I read somewhere 32x32 is recommended.

{"version": "17.012.20093", "size": "117552112", "icon": "......uAASUVORK5CYII="}
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Yep! I just discovered that after like 10 tries. It has to be a single line! Thanks!


For future reference on where to put the additional within the .bes file. In the task definition, the mime field element should be after the <SourceSeverity> element and before the <Action> tag, as in this sample task: Sample Chrome SWD task with icon.bes (13.4 KB)

To add it directly to action XML, the mime field element should be right above the <Settings> tag.

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Thank you. That example is helpful. I’ll assume it can go anywhere with the other MIMEField stuff, but placing it as the very first, is best.

Yes, anywhere within a set of multiple MIMEField elements is fine.

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To further simplify, it seems that most of the information already exists in the XML, even when you create the task via SWD (which we do). All you really need to do is insert data:image/png;base64,[Encode] between the far right “”. I had been inserting along side of the original and therefore had two, which was a source of my error.


This works too: data:image/x-icon;base64,

It seems that you aren’t actually limited to PNG based icons for display within the BigFix Self Service Application. It is likely the case that anything that will display within Chromium will work.

See this Example: bigfix-content/fixlet/Test SSA Icon Format x-icon.bes at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub


32x32 icons look very very bad in BigFix SSA. Definitely use at least 64x64 or better.

It would be nice if BigFix SSA supported CSS rendered Icons like FontAwesome or similar, but it probably already supports SVG given the above, which I need to test, which might be the next best thing. (Update: Seems like BigFix SSA does NOT support SVG)

No one else has mentioned it in this thread, but ever since WebUI added the ability to edit custom content, this process become much easier. You can just add an icon to whatever fixlet using a GUI uploader.