(imported topic written by Brandon91)
The following action is intended to write the string to a registry key, which will later be used to install something else.
regset “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FMI” “CitrixInstallPath”="{escapes of pathname of system folder}\msiexec.exe /qb! /I {(escapes of pathname of client folder of current site)}\__Download\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151\Ica32Pkg.msi TRANSFORMS={(escapes of pathname of client folder of current site)}\__Download\Citrix PNA 9.150.39151\PN_AGENT_NA.mst /norestart"
However, this simply does not seem to work and can not be tested in FixletDebugger because “pathname of client folder of current site” does not seem to work from the fixlet debugger.
Im sure this is something ridiculously simple, but it is currently escaping me.