Search text file contents as lowercase?

Hi All,

I need to search the contents of several ANSI encoded log files for the term “transform file” and return all the text that follows. The below works ok, however for some reason the case used in these log files is not consistent, some are all lowercase, some all upper and others are a mix. I would like to convert the characters read in from these files to be converted to lowercase.

following texts of firsts "transform file:" of lines of files whose (name of it as lowercase contains "appvars") of folders of folder "c:\temp"

I cannot seem to get my syntax right here, would appreciate it anyone could show me how to ensure the search for “transform file” is done as lowercase.

Try this

(following texts of firsts "transform file:" of lines of it as lowercase) of files whose (name of it as lowercase contains "appvars") of folders of folders "c:\temp"

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