Search for accounts on Windows servers & report

I need to create a report if possible, where a list of usernames would be entered and a report would come out showing either true meaning the account exists on the windows servers of false showing the account doesn’t exist.
I’d have to search all local groups on the windows servers.

Some ideas to get you going:

concatenation ", " of (members of it as string) of local group “Administrators”

Or qualify it further by group/user:

exists members whose (it as string is equal to (hostname & “” & “”)) of local group “Administrators”

Or another starting point would be the local user property in the Local User Management Analysis:

(name of it,(concatenation “|” of names of items 1 of (sid of it, local groups) whose (exists (item 0 of it as string as lowercase, members of item 1 of it as string as lowercase) whose (item 0 of it = item 1 of it))), last logon of it as string |“Never”, logon count of it, account disabled flag of it ) of local users