Search by CVE in Console

In the BigFix console, under all content, fixlets, when I search for a KB I get it, presumably because it’s typically part of the name. When I type in a CVE nothing is listed (apart from one or two of them that have the CVE in the name).

Is there a way to enable search for fixlets by CVE?

There’s a CVE property on the Fixlets however you wont be able to view them on the console due to not being able to add an additional field in the same way you can on the computers section.

The only place I know that you can search by CVE is Web Reports


In the console, you could try to use Custom Filters.

You would search Fixlets with all of the following properties:
CVE ID contains “the CVE you are looking for”
Visibilty equals Visible


Again, as @FatScottishGuy mentioned, the CVE will have to be a property of the Fixlet.


Argh, I’d forgotten custom filters, thanks. I’ll take a look.

Note that WebUI also allows you to quickly/easily search by CVE:

And for those that might be interested in a session relevance approach, here’s a basic sample statement that I sometimes use:

(link of it, id of it, name of it, display name of site of it) of bes fixlets whose (cve id list of it contains "CVE-2021")