Script errors in WebUI


I have a strange situation. I am using servers hosted in SkyTap to do some development work, and certain aspects of the WebUI are behaving oddly. For instance, when trying to edit a dashboard, and modify a numbers tile (I click on the pencil icon), it only displays the page with a [Back] and [Save] button. The [+ Add Condition] button in the box between the title and the other buttons never appears.

Peeking under the covers with developer tools, I see that there is an error in processing the script:

libs.min.1222159658cb83f7cbb5dd69270e1ae2.js:15416 TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

The SkyTap VM is using Windows Server 2016. WebUI is installed alongside the BigFix Server, uses a SQL Server database, and is up to date.

This doesn’t occur in my regular production environment, running on Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine, with the same configuration.

That’s pretty weird. My first instinct when I run into these weird dashboard things is if I’m not totally invested in whatever I’ve built, I just clear the whole thing and reset…

In this case, you can visit this URL:

You can then hit delete all to clear all of the WebUI dashboard data, then go back to the overview. It should rebuild itself after that.

Hopefully that helps!




This is potentially good info - is this secret menu stuff documented anywhere?

Unfortunately, in this case, it didn’t appear to help. I’m still getting the previous error even after resetting the dashboard data.


In order to make the Dashboard editor work, we had to enable the Software Distribution site in order to bring in SWD and ProfileMgt into the WebUI sites. It seems that there a dependence on code that may not be part of a customer’s entitlements.

Sorry I was traveling around so I don’t get to this until just now, this is SUPER weird. I thought when I suggested it clearing webuidata was like a 100% surefire way to get past your problem.

Wait are you saying you needed to enable the WebUI bits of SWD and profile management? Like it wasn’t enabled by the WebUI by default via licensing?

EITHER WAY seems like a bug.

Yes - and the current challenge is that you can only get the WebUI bits of SWD and profile management if you are licensed for Lifecycle.