Running shell scripts from Big Fix

Hello all,
Im new to Big Fix. I am trying to run a shell script for several linux boxes. I have created the task responsible for deploying the script, chosen the script typr as sh, and pasted in my code. The relevance is structured in such a way that only the machine that need the script will be relevant. When i take the action, the status goes from not reporting to complete but the script didnt run on the machines. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

You will need to look at the client logs on the computer that you targeted to run the Action (your script). Try looking in …


It’s not uncommon for the console to show “Not Reported” then show “Complete” with no middle steps. It’s a question of timing. The client may send 3-4 updates before you Console refreshes and you see the information being updated, so all you see is the latest report from the client.