Run .class file using BigFix

Hello All, i am trying to run a java .class using BigFix. I have tried using Batch file, PowerShell and normal passing of command.

But for PowerShell it returned 0 and did nothing. For Batch, it returned 1 and did nothing. When i ran those files by double clicking on it, it is working.

In the java code, there is no print or prompt statement. It just creates a text file.

Please help me to achieve this.

In Batch file and PowerShell, i wrote,

java “C:\Temp\DemoJava”


java “DemoJava”


waithidden cmd.exe /C java “C:\Temp\DemoJava”


Open a command prompt and type
java "C:\Temp\DemoJava"
do you actually get the output file you expect?

Most likely issues to investigate:
working folder or relative vs absolute path. Can cmd.exe find your java executable? can java find your “c:\temp\demojava” file?
Account Permissions. Client runs as local system account, your double click runs as a user account.