(imported topic written by brolly3391)
BES 6.0+
presumption: location of compmgmt.msc on BES Console machine = c:\windows\system32 (Win XP)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\CompMgmt
“MenuDisplayName”="&Computer Management Console"
“ShellCommandRelevance”="“mmc.exe c:\windows\system32\compmgmt.msc /computer=\\” & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = “DNS Name” ) of current computer)"
Curiously enough, you cannot use
compmgmt.msc /computer=\name
even though you can type it at the command line and it works. I would have thought that the file association would have handled this. You also cannot run
MMC.exe compmgmt.msc /conputer=\name
. MMC.exe wants an explicit path to the .MSC file even though it appears in the computer’s path. You have to use
MMC.exe %system32%/compmgmt.msc /computer=\name
So, if you run your console on a Windows 2000 box, you will need to adjust the paths in the ShellCommadRelevance section. Unless, of course someone here, is clever enough to pull that path dynamically using a neat relevance trick.