Right Click Tools - MMC Plugin - Computer Management

(imported topic written by brolly3391)

BES 6.0+

presumption: location of compmgmt.msc on BES Console machine = c:\windows\system32 (Win XP)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\CompMgmt



“MenuDisplayName”="&Computer Management Console"

“ShellCommandRelevance”="“mmc.exe c:\windows\system32\compmgmt.msc /computer=\\” & (value of property results whose (name of property of it = “DNS Name” ) of current computer)"

Curiously enough, you cannot use

compmgmt.msc /computer=\name

even though you can type it at the command line and it works. I would have thought that the file association would have handled this. You also cannot run

MMC.exe compmgmt.msc /conputer=\name

. MMC.exe wants an explicit path to the .MSC file even though it appears in the computer’s path. You have to use

MMC.exe %system32%/compmgmt.msc /computer=\name



So, if you run your console on a Windows 2000 box, you will need to adjust the paths in the ShellCommadRelevance section. Unless, of course someone here, is clever enough to pull that path dynamically using a neat relevance trick.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey brolly33,

You are correct that the Windows command-line has more path information than the right-click execute command.

You can add “cmd.exe /C” to the front of your command and it will work the same as the “Run” command line, but it will have an ugly dos box.

Also note (in case you were wondering) that, by design, you cannot use commands like “pathname of windows folder” in session relevance because it opens up various security attacks on your server or console computers. The idea behind such an attack is that the attacker will trick you into running a relevance expression, looking at custom report, view a Fixlet or whatever and then he/she would be able to make some session relevance to gather details about your console or server computer (including details like your private key files).

Because of the threat of such an attack, we disabled the “client inspectors” in session relevance.
