(imported comment written by jr6591)
I get Brolly’s fix to work but only if the Logs are on the C drive.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\OpenBESLogFolder
“MenuDisplayName”="&Open BES Log Folder"
“ShellCommandRelevance”="“cmd.exe /C explorer \\” & ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = “DNS Name” ) of current computer ) & “\C$\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\__Global\Logs”"
But, these 2, which were posted by ErnieF do not.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\OpenTodaysBESLogFile
“MenuDisplayName”="&Open Todays BES Log File"
“ShellCommandRelevance”="“notepad.exe %22\\” & ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = “Computer Name” ) of current computer ) & “\” & ((preceding text of first “:” of it & “$” & following text of first “:” of it) of ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = “BESClient Location” ) of current computer )) & “\__BESData\__Global\Logs\” & year of current date as string & month of current date as two digits as string & day_of_month of current date as two digits as string & “.log%22"”
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Console\Settings\ComputerListContextMenuExtensions\OpenBESLogFolder
“MenuDisplayName”="&Open BES Log Folder"
“ShellCommandRelevance”="“cmd.exe /C explorer \\” & ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = “Computer Name” ) of current computer ) & “\” & ((preceding text of first “:” of it & “$” & following text of first “:” of it) of ( value of property result whose (name of property of it = “BESClient Location” ) of current computer )) & “\__BESData\__Global\Logs”"
I am getting the following message.