Rhel Agents running with root user priviliges

I have an issue with rhel patching, this is bigfix infra and all my patches are failing, I do troubleshooting and on few machine i have reinstalled the agent, and we applied the patches and they work fine.

I asked the linux team they say that agents are not installed via root user on some endpoints, so is their a way i can check on which machines the bigfix agent is not running via the root user privilege?

I cant login on each machines and then check, do we have ay option in bigfix that confirm that or any sh script that give a output and i will archive that file.


You could create an Analysis property to return the name of the process owner for the BESAgent process.


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Hi Jason,
I am using 9.5.16 and qna is not available in directory /var/opt/BESClient , i have to check the command manually on the machine, and is the below relevance correct:
name of effective user of process “BESAgent”

Qna should be in the binary install directory, I believe /opt/BESClient/bin.
I’d recommend using an Analysis to check multiple machines; if you are running on each client individually, just running ps -ef could get you process details anyway.

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