RHEL 7 patching site issue

i am not able to see RHEL 7 patches and subscript is disabled. howerver i have clicked on gather button.

what else i should chedk.

This suggests the site has not gathered for the first time. The subscription will only be available after the first gather.

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Are you logged in with a Master Operator account? Only Master Operators can change the subscription rules for a site.

And send a screenshot from the Details pane, let’s check whether it’s gathered the content as @AlanM notes.

I clicked gather site button , but still site subscription is disabled? can you please let me know what else i should check?

Check the log for the gatherDB process. That will give you a message when the site is gathered.

Getting this error:-

Wed, 29 Jun 2016 04:56:08 -0500 – Unexpected exception during gather of site Patches for RHEL 7: class NoAuthorizedSignature (class CertificateNotAuthorizedToPublish)

This post has something similar for a while back - suggest you raise a PMR.

Ok, i have opened ticket with support, can you lease let me know if i can use offline downloader or create my own custom repo meanwhile if RHEL 7 site is not available.