Reversing order of substrings

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I have this relevance:

(following texts of firsts “=” of substrings separated by “,” of following text of first “,” of preceding text of first “,DC” of distinguished name of local computer of active directory)

which returns each OU as a substring. I would like to concatenate them (which is easy enough), but I want to reverse the order. Is there an easy way to reverse the order of substrings?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

There’s sort of a hacky way to get substrings in reverse order.

Q: concatenation of characters ( lengths of following texts of positions of it ) of concatenation “,” of (concatenation of characters ( lengths of following texts of positions of it ) of it ) of substrings separated by “,” of "abc,def,ghi,jkl,mno"
A: mno,jkl,ghi,def,abc

The idea is that you reverse each substring, then concatenate them, then reverse the entire string. The relevance to reverse a string is:

Q: concatenation of characters ( lengths of following texts of positions of it ) of "abcdefg"
A: gfedcba

So for your expression, it’d be something like:

Q: concatenation of characters ( lengths of following texts of positions of it ) of concatenation “,” of (concatenation of characters ( lengths of following texts of positions of it ) of it ) of (following texts of firsts “=” of substrings separated by “,” of following text of first “,” of preceding text of first “,DC” of distinguished name of local computer of active directory)

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(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thanks Brian, that did what I wanted it to do. A ‘reverse concatenation’ function would be helpful for something like that and be a bit clearer. Maybe 8.0… :slight_smile:


There really should be an easier way to reverse the order of a plural result.

I had to use the method above for this: