Returning number of operators with analyses activated

I’m working on cleaning up some of our custom analysis bloat, and I was hoping to be able to pull a list of analyses and the number of operators with those analyses activated, but I’m getting weird results. I’m wondering if this is because I’m not a master operator, or if it’s because I’ve written the session relevance wrong.

This relevance gives me the names of all the analyses in a given custom site, but tells me that only 1 person has each of them activated. I figured that was because I can’t see what other operators have active, but…

(names of it, number of issuers of best activations of it) of fixlets whose (analysis flag of it) of bes custom sites whose (name of it = "[redacted]")

This relevance seems to return the last person who activated a given analysis! So it turns out I can see what analyses other people have activated even though I’m not a master operator.

(names of it, names of issuers of best activations of it) of fixlets whose (analysis flag of it) of bes custom sites whose (name of it = "[redacted]")

So what’s going on here? Am I going about this the wrong way?


Actually, thanks to relevance @JasonWalker posted in a different thread for seeing who has a particular analysis activated, I think I’ve got it:

(multiplicities of it, it) of unique values of ((names of it of activations whose (active flag of it) of it) of fixlets whose (analysis flag of it and exists activations whose (active flag of it) of it ) of bes custom site whose (name of it = "[redacted]"))

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