Retrieving all computers using Relevance query

(imported topic written by jhkienle)


Question on a problem I'm trying to resolve.  When using the API to list computers

I am able to see all the computers. When I use a relevance query (
https://:52311/api/query?relevance=(ids of it, names of it) of bes computers)
it does not return all the computers. I am wondering how I could modify the relevance to retrieve all the systems?

Thanks in advance,


I checked it in my environment and i don’t have a difference in both ways. But maybe you have machines out there which didn’t finish the agent install or something. I would do a reverse query to find the computernames and check what’s going on with those computers.

Here is a query for you to use to do the reverse query: https://maximoserver:52311/api/query?relevance=(name of it) of bes computers whose (id of it equals computerid)

Fill in your own servername in the maximoserver part and your own computer id in the computerid part.

The session relevance (ids of it, names of it) of bes computers will only return endpoints that have both an ID and a Computer Name (due to the plural). I’m guessing that you may have some endpoints that do not have a computer name (common if the data associated with the given endpoint has been deleted from the database, but the endpoint has subsequently reported in - sending a refresh to these devices usually addresses that). An alternate session relevance you might consider is:

(id of it as string | “n/a”, name of it | “n/a”) of bes computers

This should return each endpoint, but will have a ‘n/a’ if the device does not have a computer ID, or a computer name.