Retrieved Property Assistance

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hi all. I have a retrieved property that is parsing an xml file that is returning an error reading “The expression could not be evaluated: Class not registered”. I cannot find this in any document on the site. Does anyone know what is causing this or if it is something easily resolved? It’s only happening on a few hundred machines out of 100,000.

Thanks for any help.

(imported comment written by sthull)

Can you post the relevance of the retrieved property? The easiest way to troubleshoot this is to run the relevance in the Relevance Debugger on one of these machines, breaking down the relevance into pieces to see the point where it starts to fail.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Here is the relevancce for the property. Unfortunately, I do not have direct access to the machines reporting the error to run the debugger. Thanks for your help.

if name of operating system as lowercase starts with “win” then (if exists key “HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework” of registry then ( if exists value “Data Path” of key “HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework” of registry then (if exists file (value “Data Path” of key “HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework” of registry as string & “\sitelist.xml” ) then (if (not exists (xml document of file (value “Data Path” of key “HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework” of registry as string & “\sitelist.xml” )) ) then (“NoXMLContentInFile”) else (if (not exists ((node values whose (it as string as lowercase starts with “epo_” ) of attributes of child nodes of child nodes of child nodes of xml document of file (value “Data Path” of key “HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework” of registry as string & “\sitelist.xml” )))) then (“No’ePO_'FoundInFile”) else(following text of first “ePO_” of (node values whose (it as string as lowercase starts with “epo_” ) of attributes of child nodes of child nodes of child nodes of xml document of file (value “Data Path” of key “HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework” of registry as string & “\sitelist.xml” ))))) else “NoXMLFileFound” ) else “No_DataPath_RegValueFound” ) else “No_Framework_RegKeyFound” ) else “NonWindows”

(imported comment written by sthull)

The only problem I can see is with the relevance that returns data if all the checks are satisfied:

(following text of first "ePO_" of (node values whose (it as string as lowercase starts with "epo_" ) of attributes of child nodes of child nodes of child nodes of xml document of file (value "Data Path" of key "HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework" of registry as string & "\sitelist.xml" )))

This would error out if there are multiple node values that start with “epo_”. A small change would allow it to work:

(following text of first "ePO_" of it) of (node values whose (it as string as lowercase starts with "epo_" ) of attributes of child nodes of child nodes of child nodes of xml document of file (value "Data Path" of key "HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\Framework" of registry as string & "\sitelist.xml" ))

You can also try uploading the sitelist.xml file from that client through BES using the Upload Manager to test the relevance directly against that file. See the Run BES Client Diagnostics task for an example of using the upload manager.



(imported comment written by jessewk)

Hi psisk,

The machine in question most likely does not have a compatible version of MSXML installed, hence the missing class error. Try installing MSXML 3 or higher on the machine.

Alternatively, change your relevance to parse the document without using the XML inspectors.
