I need to retrieve the Installation path of Software discovered by BF Inventory.
At the moment, it looks like that data is only available for IBM Software in the BF Inventory Portal.
So, I tried using the REST API and was able to retrieve the data using the below query:
https://bfinventoryhostname/api/sam/v2/software_instances?criteria={ "and": [ ["product_name", "contains", "Tomcat"]] }&columns[]=computer_name&columns[]=product_name&columns[]=discovery_details.discovery_path&columns[]=computer_group_id&token=mytoken
And that returns the data for all endpoint reporting in BF Inventory. However, I want to get the data for an specif computer group.
According to documentation I can use the field ‘computer_group_id’ to filter by the group that I need. So I tried using the following query:
https://bfinventoryhostname/api/sam/v2/software_instances?criteria={ "and": [ ["product_name", "contains", "Tomcat"], ["computer_group_id", "=" , "19" ] ] }&columns[]=computer_name&columns[]=product_name&columns[]=discovery_details.discovery_path&columns[]=computer_group_id&token=mytoken
With that query I’m getting 0 results. When I look at the previous set of data, all computers are reporting the computer_group_id as ‘0’, which is just the general group that contains all endpoints.
Is there any extra configuration/parameter that I’m missing in order to retrieve the data only for the computer group of my interest?
Is there any other easier way to retrieve the data?