I need to restrict access to app Store in the Iphones only allowing the installation of the applications using the recommended Applications in the UI Agent. Using the Restriction policy I can avoid the use of the app store. But I am not able to install recommended applications also. Is there any way I can avoid the use of the app store but still allow the installation of the recommended applications?
Yes, All the apps belong to App Store. Is it possible to make apps like Waze available offline? Can we restrict the app installation in any other way and leave the recomended apps available for installation?
From what you are describing, it seems like you are looking for app whitelisting. Apple does not currently have an API for this.
A workaround would be to create policy actions to recommend or prompt install the whitelisted apps. You could create a second policy action that disables the app store once all the whitelisted apps are installed. You could then base compliance on whether the app store is disabled or not. Of course, the limitation here is that the end user could install any app they want during the phase where the app store is still enabled. Also, this doesn’t account for all the forbidden apps that were installed prior to enrollment. Perhaps you could create yet another policy action to send a message giving instructions to uninstall all the non-whitelisted apps.
Unfortunately a system like this is the best we can do given Apple’s limitations.