Restart Endpoint if Patching Baseline is not Relevant

Hello All,

Our customer wants that endpoint should be restarted during every patching cycle independent of the action status i.e “Pending Restart, Not Relevant and Failed” So, for that reason, I added the Restart Endpoint Task at the endpoint to reboot the server but still the Restart Endpoint Task is becoming Not Relevant for the servers were patches are not relevant.
Could anyone please suggest me the best way to reboot the server whose status is Not relevant or Failed.

Thanks in Advance!!

What is the relevance for the patch baseline in question as well as the “Restart Endpoint” fixlet?

This can get a little tricky.

“Restart Endpoint” is a Task, not a Fixlet. It’s a subtle distinction, but by default a Task will not make a baseline relevant - so if none of the Fixlets in the baseline are relevant, the Baseline as a whole is not relevant and the baseline (including the restart) won’t run.

You could modify the baseline, go down to this component, and check the box for “Include in baseline relevance”. That will have side effects though - like making the Baseline always appear relevant for all computers.

I’m not sure about the best practice here, I understand different environments have different practices on this. Some use a custom fixlet to tag the clients (registry entry, file, or client setting) to indicate the baseline is “done”, so the baseline runs on every machine even if the other fixlets sre not relevant.


Relevance is set to True which is applicable to all the endpoints.

Edit your baseline and do this, it should work!


Thanks I have tried this and it is working perfectly.

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