I’m attempting to build a Multi Action Group using REST. Using the following api/query, I can get the name and relevance for all fixlets that are relevant for a particular host,
api/query?relevance=( name of it, relevance of it) of relevant fixlets of bes computers whose (name of it is "<hostname>")
‘it’ in the query points to the relevant fixlet. I cannot figure out how to get the DefaultAction for each relevant fixlet displayed.
api/query?relevance=( name of it, relevance of it, default action of it) of relevant fixlets of bes computers whose (name of it is “”), but I get the error “The operator “string” is not defined.”
I’d suggest getting the relevance to work in the “BigFix Session Relevance Tester” first before trying it with REST. Makes it much easier to write and debug.
( name of it, relevance of it, script of default action of it) of relevant fixlets whose(exists default action of it) of bes computers whose (name of it is “HOST_NAME”)
Thank you for that post. That query did work. I have a couple more questions,
How would I know to use “script of default action of it”? Where is it documented what members are available for a particular object? That is one of the issues I have been fighting, how to figure out what options are available.
When I query a fixlet, the action script also comes with a MIMEType, which appears to be used in the MAG Action statement for each member action. How would I modify your query to include this value?
I found a download link for the relevance tester, but it is for 8.0.627 is there a newer version or will this work ok with IEM 9.x?
Also, I don’t think it is a good idea to make a very large multi action group with a very large number of components. I think that can cause performance issues.
Any clue on what a “very large MAG is”? 10, 15, 20 members? I read somewhere that for baselines, about 50 actions was the max recommended for performance reasons.
Another way would be to find the site and id of the relevant fixlets, export them via REST to xml, use that xml to create each member action of the MultiActionGroup to be imported via REST. Overly simplified but that’s how we’re doing it.