REST get action complete time

(imported topic written by RobG1)

Using the BES REST API interface, I’m trying to get the time an action completed. This site
shows that there is a property
"complete time of
". I’m trying to figure out how to use this.

Using this query, /api/query?relevance=(names of it, ids of it, state of it, status of result of it, detailed status of result of it ) of bes actions whose (id of it = 13987). I can get all the expected values for action 13987. If I add “complete time of it” to the list of items I’m requesting, it fails with the error message, “The operator “complete time” is not defined.”

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?



(imported comment written by gearoid)

There’s a difference between

Complete time is not a property of .

bes action is a Session object - available from the server via the API.

action is a client inspector - available on the client and not in the session.

Have a look here
and search for type:Action and use the Session and Client tickboxes to see what’s available where.

I can think of a really cheesy hacky way to do this… I think these action inspectors only get evaluated during an action runtime.

This older forum post shows an example of how to get these inspectors to work:

Action parameters in Actionscript

It’s possible if you dump the results of that into a text file in a known location you can have an analysis pick that up later and then you can get those results through session relevance.

I’ll try thinking of a better way… since this solution seems really unsatisfactory…

It sounds like the info you’re looking for is the time each client (or one client) finished running the specific action. This would actually be a property of an action result, but is not currently available via session relevance. You can see the action result data that is available today using the following query:

properties whose (it as string contains "action result")

The only way to see this data is via Show Action Info in the right-click context menu in the console. Thus the complex workaround dex described above.