REST API Relevance query for non-existent setting

I’m trying to create a REST API relevance query to find computers which do not have a specific setting.

I’m trying this:

/api/query?relevance=(ids of it,names of it) of bes computers whose(not exists setting “Test Setting” of client)

but getting “The operator “client” is not defined.”

Would appreciate any assistance.

Wow, suddenly a lot of new API users this week.

You’re encountering the same URL encoding issues as in several other recent posts, where your quotes around “Test Setting” are being interpreted by your shell rather than passed in to the API client.

See How to get CPU cores from REST API?
and Error while running REST API command via CLI

Actually, belay that, your session relevance doesn’t look correct. The “client” object only exists in Client Relevance, not Session Relevance.

Easiest to debug Session Relevance queries using your Web Reports server, via

I think what you are looking for is
client settings of <bes computer>: bes client setting

q: properties of type "bes client setting" A: name of <bes client setting>: string A: scope of <bes client setting>: string A: value of <bes client setting>: string

names of bes computers whose (not exists client settings whose (name of it = "Test Setting") of it)

Actually I’ve been doing this for several months, the docs are horrible. Also I don’t use the cli or curl, I use a browser to test get queries.

I finally figured it out, here it is for those who may be looking in the future.

/api/query?relevance=(ids of it,names of it) of bes computers whose(not exists values of results from (bes properties “Test Setting”) of it)

Your relevance seems to work also.

I’m not sure whether every client setting automatically gets a BES Property created for it, or only the ones where you create a Property to retrieve the client setting.