Rest API query for Server automation plan actions

I am trying to create a query to export Server automation action status through rest api. In server automation plan we have 4 steps and i want to export the status of 1st step which is Patching action on client. I am using below mentioned query to get the output but no success. Please help…

(IDs of Actions of it , Names of Issuers of Actions of it , Names of Actions of it , States of Actions of it , Times Issued of Actions of it , Names of Computers of it , Operating Systems of Computers of it , IP Addresses of Computers of it , Last Report Times of Computers of it , Detailed Status of it , Status of it as string , Names of member actions of actions of it) of results whose ((Name of sub Action of it as lowercase starts with “”#{IEMPlan"")) of bes actions whose ((start date of it >=("“21 Apr 2019"”) as date) and (end date of it <=("“28 Apr 2019"”) as date)) ; (IDs of item 1 of it , Names of Issuers of item 1 of it , Names of item 1 of it , States of item 1 of it , Times Issued of item 1 of it , Names of item 0 of it , Operating Systems of item 0 of it , IP Addresses of item 0 of it , Last Report Times of item 0 of it , ““Not Reported”” , ““Not Reported”” , Names of member actions of item 1 of it) of (elements of (set of targeted computers of it - set of computers of results of it) , it) of bes actions whose (Name of it as lowercase starts with “”#{IEMPlan"" and (start date of it >=("“21 Apr 2019"”) as date) and (end date of it <=("“28 Apr 2019"”) as date))