Report to list count of computers per network

(imported topic written by caiazpa)

Hi All,

I am trying to put together a report which will display the number of computers on each network throughout our organization. We have about 100 different subnets and I am trying to illustrate where we lack coverage via TEM. This is part of our overall approach to enabling the asset discovery capability. I know what networks we have, but I want to make sure we have at least one TEM client on each subnet.

I was thinking I could search for computers where IP Address contains “X.X.X.” where IP octets chosen correspond to the different subnets.

So, Ideally, my report looks like the following:

Network Count 5 10 0

I intend to populate the search string with the list of known networks, but it may also be useful to display a number of computers which exist on ‘unknown’ networks, or network addresses which do not match any of my pre-populated search strings. I would then need to craft a second report which provides the backup detail on these machines.

Any thoughts, suggestions or help crafting the relevance would be much appreciated.



(imported comment written by Zanesand)

Paul heres something i compiled from a report to list duplicate DNS Names

Finally a statement suitable as a custom report in Web Reports.

You create it by going to Web Reports --> Explore Data --> Custom --> paste the statement then Save Report

<?relevance (html 
"<table border=1 style=%22border-collapse: collapse; border: medium none;%22>" & html (
"<th>Subnets</th><th>Count</th>") & it & html 
"</table>") of concatenation of trs of (td of it & td of  (multiplicity of it as string)) of unique values whose (multiplicity of it > 1) of (

if (it = 
"") then 
"Missing Subnet Address" 

else (it)) of values of results from (bes computers) of bes property whose (name of it = 
"Subnet Address") ?>

Hope this helps



(imported comment written by caiazpa)

Hi Zane,

Thanks - this is definitely helpful.

What is still missing is the ability to populate a query with a known list of Subnet addresses to determine if there are any which we have 0 coverage. Any idea how to do that?



(imported comment written by vpetrell)

You could use the excel connector and bring in the computer info along with the subnet column, then dump the data into a pivot table and count by subnet. It should give you the totals your looking for.