Does anyone know if there is a session inspector to get the % complete for a given open acton? I am trying to set up a emailed report for patch deployment status, but do not require the detailed results for every fixlet in a baseline, only the % complete of the entire action. The report would be for managers so that they can take a quick glance to determine that a action for a baseline was set up properly and is deploying.
The ideal format would be the same as the one in the action tab of the BES console, where I could just get the Action Name and %Complete.
While there isn’t a session inspector to get the % complete directly, you might be able to use something like the following to get the information you are looking for:
(item 0 of it &
" - " & item 1 of it) of ((name of it, (more significance 3 of (number of statuses whose (it as string =
"Fixed" or it as string =
"Completed") of it / number of statuses of it as floating point * 100) as string &
"%25") of results of it) of bes actions whose (id of it = <action ID 1> OR id of it = <action ID 2>))
Note that you’ll have to replace <action ID 1> with the given action ID on which you wish to report. With this, you could report on several open action at once by adding/modifying the action IDs at the end of the expression.
Thanks for your reply. The code actually returns the results for the number of instances the baseline is applicable to. For example, if I had a open action on a baseline that was applicable for 7 machines and only 4 were “fixed”, the code would return something similar to the below:
( item 0 of it &
" - " & item 1 of it ) of ( name of it, ( more significance 3 of ( ( number of statuses whose ( it = bes action status fixed ) of results of it ) as floating point / ( number of statuses of results of it ) ) *100 ) as string &
"%25" ) of bes actions whose ( id of it = <action id 1> OR id of it = <action id 2> )
It’s the same expression with the parentheses in slightly different places.