Remote Database - Questions about SQL Server Configuration?


We are in a Lifecycle Management for IEM installation process. the environment will have ~25000 clients.

DB admin team, who will administrate the IEM remote db, had some questions on our db request. I need your help to answer some of these questions:

How many concurrent session are planned ? (Which component should be referenced for this ? Console Usage, Agents…)
will Full Text Indexes or Full Text Search be used ?
will there be any big table (has more than 5m rows) ?

Assuming you are deploying 9.x, the number of concurrent connections will be primarily based on the Root Server components (and not Consoles, Agents) - perhaps around 25. That said, these are not necessarily an indication of the load the application will put on the database.

Full text is not a requirement for IEM (please see

And yes, there will very likely be some larger tables (more than 5M rows), though this depends on your environment and usage.


Thanks for your helps, Aram