Remote control server installation

the following error appears while installing Remote control server and after i had entered the database server and the directory where JDBC files are!
could anyone help please ?
thank you all in advance.


Hi mutassem,

The error means basically that the connection cannot be established because one of the parameter is not correct.

  • Check the username and password specified with SQL Server Management Studio
  • Check the path of the JDBC driver (you need to specify the file name too)
  • Check the JDBC driver version. You must use only Java 8 compatible JDBC drivers (typoically they ends with jre8).
  • Check the server hostname and port. Is the port open ? Can the hostname be pinged ?
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Hi Pezzotti,

  • username is sa the default username of database.

  • JDBC path is specified as following C:\Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.4 for SQL Server\sqljdbc_7.4\enu\mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar
    *SQL host is pingable and using default port:1433

You can check the installer logfile (C:\tsetup.ini) and see if more details on the error are shown.
Are you able to login with the same credentials using SQL Server Management Studio by selecting “SQL Server Authentication” as Authentication type ?

yes i,ve installed sql studio on my machine to test credentials and logged in successfully but don’t know where to find logfile(c:tsetup.ini)

The file C:\tsetup.ini is generated in the machine where you run the server installer.

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i tried installing it on local database server and the same error appeared

Is “sql” the hostname of the computer which resolves to ?
Have you tried to replace “sql” with ?

What about the log file ? Have you reviewed it ?

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i’ve already tried the the local ip before this screenshot to check. but this screenshot from a remote server.