I need to populate my relays with a property from my clients. I need to tattoo the relay with the DHCP domain of the clients they serve. I’ll do that via a web service, but I need help with the “top” part.
This query pulls back what I want, I need to get the “top talker”
of (
(if (exists result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it) and
exists values of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it) )
then (concatenation "%0A" of values of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it))
else ("<none>")))
of (
elements of intersection of (
union of (
member sets of bes computer groups whose (name of it as lowercase = "win workstations"));
intersection of (
(sets of items 0
of (computers of it, values whose (it as lowercase = "01100002") of it)
of results of bes property "Facility Code");
(sets of items 0
of (computers of it, values whose (it as lowercase does not contain "none") of it)
of results of bes property "DHCPDomain"))),
bes property "DHCPDomain")