Relevance to capture "source fixlet differs" state

Hi everybody.
Is there a way to capture via relevance the “source fixlet differs” state for a baseline ? … and also which of these fixlets ?


That would likely have to be done using session relevance and not regular relevance.

A relevance in BigFix Session Relevance tester.

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Is the BaselineSync Dashboard not sufficient?

The following line of javascript is found in the BaselineSynchronizationDashboard.js file located here: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console\ROOT_SERVER\USER\Sites\BES Support

 * Relevance that checks if a baseline component is out of sync
 * it = baseline component
 * returns boolean
 * @type {String}
var baselineComponentActionOutOfSyncRel = 'exists (actions of item 0 of it, actions of item 1 of it) whose ((content id of item 0 of it = content id of item 1 of it) AND (NOT ((script of item 0 of it = script of item 1 of it) AND (script type of item 0 of it = script type of item 1 of it) AND (success on original relevance of item 0 of it = success on original relevance of item 1 of it) AND (success on custom relevance of item 0 of it = success on custom relevance of item 1 of it) AND (success on run to completion of item 0 of it = success on run to completion of item 1 of it) AND ((if (exists custom success relevance of item 0 of it) then (custom success relevance of item 0 of it) else "N/A") = (if (exists custom success relevance of item 1 of it) then (custom success relevance of item 1 of it) else "N/A"))))) of (it, source fixlets of it)';

I took the following relevance statement, replaced exists with of and then put the above relevance statement in front:

names of custom bes fixlets whose( baseline flag of it AND ( exists components of component groups of it ) )

Which gave me this:

names of custom bes fixlets whose( baseline flag of it AND ( exists (actions of item 0 of it, actions of item 1 of it) whose ((content id of item 0 of it = content id of item 1 of it) AND (NOT ((script of item 0 of it = script of item 1 of it) AND (script type of item 0 of it = script type of item 1 of it) AND (success on original relevance of item 0 of it = success on original relevance of item 1 of it) AND (success on custom relevance of item 0 of it = success on custom relevance of item 1 of it) AND (success on run to completion of item 0 of it = success on run to completion of item 1 of it) AND ((if (exists custom success relevance of item 0 of it) then (custom success relevance of item 0 of it) else "N/A") = (if (exists custom success relevance of item 1 of it) then (custom success relevance of item 1 of it) else "N/A"))))) of (it, source fixlets of it) of components of component groups of it ) )

I’m a little confused by the else “N/A” appearing in the relevance. Seems like that should instead be either TRUE or FALSE.

It is too bad that baseline components do not store the modification date of the source fixlet at the time of inclusion, because then all you would have to do is compare the modification date of the component with the source and if they were not the same, assume something had changed, or at least use that to limit the scope. Instead this is actually checking everything about the source and component to see that they are different.

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Thanks jgstew!
I start from this :wink:

I post my results later; running that relevance I got only the name of baselines modified and NOT the single fixlets/tasks of baselines.

Stay tuned :slight_smile:

So you want exactly which components have been modified, not just the names of the baselines?

That is completely possible using the above relevance with some additions.

have you looked at the BaselineSync Dashboard ?

The else “N/A” appears to be necessary to compare the string values of *custom success relevance * of both the baseline component and the source fixlet action. This handles cases where either, both, or neither are configured with custom success relevances. That one block could have the “NA” removed but becomes much more compex - something like

(exist custom success relevance of source = exist custom success relevance of component 
if exists custom successes of (source;component) then custom success relevance of source = custom success relevance of component else true)