Relevance Result Analysis

Hello @all, @jgstew

Please your kindly help.

Im trying to show a table n custom report in this way:

Computer Name | Expected | Result

serv001 | RHEL 6 | Pass

I’m using this relevance:

unique values of (
item 0 of item 0 of it as string & “,” &
item 1 of item 0 of it & “,” &
item 1 of it & “,” &
item 2 of it & “,” &
item 3 of it & “,” &
item 2 of item 0 of it & “:” &
item 3 of item 0 of it
) of

id of computer of it,
name of computer of it,
names of properties of it,
values of it) of results
(exists computer of it)
) of properties
(name of it = “Expected”) or (name of it = “Result”)
) of it,
name of site of it,
names of it,
concatenation ", " of (unique values of ID of it as string)
of bes fixlets
analysis flag of it = true and
display name of site of it = “nameOfSite”

And is showing me

serv001 | Expected | RHEL 6
serv001 | Result | Pass

Is some way to or concatenate or match this 2 cells according of ID Analysis?

Thanks in advance

Best Regards
Jairo Escobar